November 08

The month started out with a bang when Kenn left for Florida for 5 days and I got to experience being a single parent. And wonder of all wonders -- I survived!! Actually the idea of it was much worse than the reality - my mom stayed two nights to help out, Koen slept well and we got lots of Mommy-Baby time!

On November 3rd, Koen turned 4 months and weighed in at 13 1/2 lbs and 24 1/2 inches. He's still a little guy (20%ile for weight and 50% percentile for height), but according to the PT and pediatrician he's very strong for his age. He loves tummy-time and is working hard on his rolling skills. No more leaving him on the bed or couch alone!

We introduced rice cereal this month with much anticipation of an exciting memory to be made, but it was pretty anti-climactic. Koen tasted it, made a horrible face, shook his head in disgust and spit it out. Oh well, our PT later told us that everyone starts cereal too early and that babies shouldn't be eating cereal till 6 months since their "systems" aren't ready for it till then. So, I guess we try again in two months!

Other events this month were a Coles family party for my Aunt Teresa's birthday, Thanksgiving, Festival of Trees and a Holiday Dinner with friends.

Firsts this month: first rice cereal, first professional photo shoot, first Thanksgiving, and first Festival of Trees.

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