April 09

Koen turned 9 months old April 3rd and at his check-up he weighed 18 lbs, 6 ounces and was 27 1/4 inches long (20th %ile). While we were at the doctors office, Dr. Lee also discovered double ear infections which was a surprise to me because Koen hadn't been fussing or anything! The little monkey's got quite the pain tolerance. Now that he's on antibiotics and on the mend, he's sleeping about 9 hours a night and finally napping well during the day. Yipee -- it only took 9 months for him to start sleeping! :)

Hmm....what else happened this month? This month I left my little man for the first time when I traveled to CDA for 2 days for a work conference. I was afraid he'd cry all the time because he missed me and I'd be sad all the time missing him - but we both did fine! :) Koen's also cut his 3rd tooth and is signing "more". As an SLP, it's especially fun to see his first attempts at communication! Kenn's convinced that Koen says "Hi dad" when he gets him up in the morning, but he's the only one whose heard it so I'm thinking it might just be wishful thinking! :)

Firsts this month: first sign ("more") and first ear infections


Amy Taylor said...

Those pictures are very sweet. I love the close up of him in his diaper turned around smiling.

Nicole said...

beautiful pics. he is adorable. i love the baby plummer's butt!