The Compact

My first step toward my attempts at change (see previous post) is to commit to The Compact for one year. There is one simple (or not so) rule of The Compact: buy nothing new for a year. The Compact is an idea that started with a group of people in San Francisco. The group has several stated aims:
1) To go beyond recycling in trying to counteract the negative global environmental and socioeconomic impacts of U.S. consumer culture, to resist global corporatism, and to support local businesses, farms, etc.
2) To reduce clutter and waste in our homes
3) To simplify our lives

There are two main principles of The Compact:
1) Don't buy new products of any kind (with some exceptions like food, toiletries, and underwear!).
2) Borrow, barter or buy used

This new way of looking at purchasing will also help Kenn and I stay on track financially (with the help of Dave Ramsey). The bummer more things from Costco that I don't really need but are such good deals that I can't say no! ;)

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