May and June 2009

The last few months have been CRAZY!! We sold our house and packed everything into Storage Cubbies and then crammed ourselves into my mom's house while we househunt. We thought it'd be a quick process as it's supposed to be a "buyer's market", but no such luck. We've put in five offers and somethings gone wrong with all of them -- either we were outbid or the house turned out to have something wrong with it so we had to withdraw our bid. But we're still optimistic that the perfect house is out there waiting for us :) Keep your fingers crossed that a house comes along soon!

Koen's changed a ton in the last few months -- he's now crawling everywhere and pulling himself up on furniture. He loves to swim, go for walks, play in the dishwasher and wreak havoc by getting into everything he's not supposed to. We think he now says "dog" (but it sounds like "dot") and he signs "more" and "eat". His favorite song is "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" and his favorite toys are balls and blocks. Koen loves being in the water but hates being in the grass. He's a good eater and will eat almost anything but bananas...they are GROSS! Cheerios are his favorite food and he loves to share them with anyone who's willing to eat one from his grubby and slimy little hand. Koen is LOVING being at Nana's house where he is the prince of the castle! It's going to be a rude awakening when we move out and he won't have her attention 24/7!!

Milestones the last few months: first move, first time swimming, learning to crawl and pull up on furniture, first word approximation "dog", and learning to sign "eat".

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